+ 보부상(BBS e) 워드프레스 무료교육 시즌2 OPEN 관리자 2016.09.23 보부상 워드프레스 무료교육(홈페이지/쇼핑몰 제작, SEO) 시즌2가 오픈되었습니다. Read More..
+ Man_Hood 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Woman_Blouse 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Woman_Tee 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Woman_Dress 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Woman_Dress 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Woman_Shirts 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Fashion Store_Gasan 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Fashion Store_Sinsa 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ Fashion Store_Gangnam 관리자 2016.09.19 If the walls could talk at these resorts, they would reveal tales of the star-studded parties, poolside misbehavior and the after-hours decadence of decades past. Christina Idol rounds up the retro hotels that make the past feel oh-so-present Read More..
+ BBS_ecommerce 2016_F/W Shoes 관리자 2016.09.19 BBS e-commerce model sy Jung blue jean Demo cut. Read More..
+ BBS_ecommerce 2016_F/W Bag 관리자 2016.09.19 BBS e-commerce model sy Jung blue jean Demo cut. Read More..
+ BBS_ecommerce 2016_F/W Tie 관리자 2016.09.19 BBS e-commerce model sy Jung blue jean Demo cut. Read More..
+ BBS_ecommerce 2016_F/W Belt 관리자 2016.09.19 BBS e-commerce model sy Jung blue jean Demo cut. Read More..
+ 모바일 최적화 레이아웃(Layout) 관리자 2016.04.26 BBS e-Theme의 BlogShop(블로그샵)을 이용하면 반응형웹 뿐만 아니라 별도의 커스터마이징 없이 모바일 전용아이콘, 모바일에 최적화된 메인디자인을 적용할 수 있습니다. Read More..
+ 소셜(간편)로그인 연동 관리자 2015.09.22 소셜(간편)로그인 이란?회원가입 없이 소셜 아이디로 로그인 및 상품구매, 구매내역확인이 가능합니다.(소셜(간편)로그인 시 적립금 및 회원정보수정 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.)소셜(간편)로그인 후 기존 회원가입이 되어있을 경우(이메일비교), 아이디를 통합할 수 있습니다.(아이디 통합 시 적립금, 회원정보수정 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.) 관리자메뉴 : BBS e-Commerce ▷ 회원관리 ▷ 소셜(간편)로그인 회원통합 사용여부 : SNS 로그인 시 기존회원(이메일 비교)일 경우 회원통합 팝업이 노출됩니다.회원통합 노출주기 : 회원통합 팝업에서 통합여부 [아니오] 선택 후 재방문 시 회원통합 팝업 노출기간을 설정합니다.SNS 아이콘 표시여부 : 쇼핑몰 상단 [로그인] 부분에 SNS 아이콘 노출여부를 설정합니... Read More..
+ Commerce 플러그인 매뉴얼 관리자 2015.07.07 BBS e-Commerce 플러그인 매뉴얼입니다. 주문설정 / 배송비설정 / 적립금설정 / 결제모듈설정 / 입금계좌설정 / 팝업설정 / 자동메일설정 / 운영자설정 Read More..
+ Awesome Icon 호환 관리자 2015.07.01 한국형 워드프레스 쇼핑몰 테마 "Blogshop" 테마의 특정 배너 셀에는 Awesome Icon이 연동되어 있어 콘텐츠 작성 시 아이콘을 쉽게 호출할 수 있습니다. Read More..